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March 28, 2023

Campaign Optimisation Made Easy: The Test & Learn Method

Growth Marketing
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Campaign Optimisation Made Easy: The Test & Learn Method

Growth Marketing

1. What is the Test & Learn method?

Test & Learn is a method of optimising marketing campaigns that allows measuring the results of an advertising campaign before launching it on a large scale.

This technique is used to reduce the risks linked to making important decisions. Indeed, it allows for testing several ideas or hypotheses before launching a marketing campaign and ensuring its effectiveness.

In the field of growth marketing, Test & Learn is an essential practice to improve the performance of advertising campaigns. The main goal of it is to analyse the results of different methods to determine those that work best. This approach allows for analysing the factors that most influence the success of an advertising campaign, such as the choice of keywords, the positioning of the advertisement or even the format used.

To implement an effective Test & Learn strategy, it is important to follow a few key steps:

  1. Define the objectives: before starting the tests, it is important to determine the objectives to be achieved. It may be to generate more leads, conversions, or sales.

  2. Design the tests: once the objectives are defined, it is necessary to design the tests (formats, channels, audiences, keywords...). It is important to test several hypotheses to determine which are the most effective.

  3. Set up the tests: tests can be carried out on different channels, such as social networks, search engines, or websites with A/B tests to compare the effectiveness of the defined strategy. The frequency of these should be thought out in advance, generally, they are renewed every week or every two weeks, and this over several months.
  4. Analyse the results: once the tests are carried out, it is important to analyse the results to determine the most effective methods.
  5. Optimise the campaigns: the results of the tests allow for knowing what worked and what needs to be improved or stopped. It is therefore important to integrate them into advertising campaigns to optimise them.

These different steps are part of a cyclical process since with each learning, new tests are carried out.

2. The advantages of this method

The Test & Learn method applies thanks to a multitude of short cycles that allow obtaining results quickly and thus ensure having the most effective campaign possible. Throughout the test phases, you will acquire a better understanding of your audience (age, gender, location...) which will allow you to improve or correct your campaign. You can also adapt your communication to maximise engagement.

Another advantage is the ability to determine more accurate and effective acquisition costs. Through the tests that you will perform, you can identify the most effective approaches to reach your target audience and maximize your return on investment.

The iterative approach, also known as sprints, is well-suited for digital marketing as it enables quick adaptation to market changes. Conducting tests on a weekly or bi-weekly basis can facilitate faster analysis and learning than traditional processes.

3. Risks of the method

Some companies may be reluctant to use the test & learn method and this for several reasons such as: the fear of failure, the lack of resources, the necessary time and the lack of knowledge or expertise.

However, by using this method effectively, it is possible to obtain significant results and save time.

4. Use case at Spaag

At Spaag, we use very often (not to say every time) this method because, we are convinced that it is the most effective way to achieve results quickly.

We base our approach and our process on all the data that we will collect from our clients. The test & learn method allows us to have a precise idea of the acquisition costs, the audience and the communication axes that perform.

Once the campaigns are launched, we provide personalized support during which we define the growth strategy and optimize the campaigns based on sprint results.

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Campaign Optimisation Made Easy: The Test & Learn Method

Growth Marketing
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