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Lead generation

Google Ads


Doubled B2B lead generation within a niche market by leveraging B2C networks in a less digitalised environment

43 leads per month

43 leads per month

43 leads per month

43 leads per month

43 leads per month

43 leads per month

43 leads per month

43 leads per month

43 leads per month

43 leads per month


Carea Façade is a French company specialized in the design, manufacture, and distribution of cladding solutions for External Thermal Insulation (ETI). We support them in significantly increasing the number of qualified prospects while halving acquisition costs. To do this, we target architects, a strong prescriptive audience for the brand.

Spaag Method

A full-funnel lead magnet strategy with A/B testing to optimize cost per lead.


• Generate qualified B2B leads
• Reach a specific target: architects, to make them prescribers of Carea to their clients.
• Deliver impactful messages adapted to the different codes of social networks


• A lead magnet strategy via the dispatch of Carea Box
• A smooth digital journey
• A full-funnel communication strategy


• A/B testing methodology with the launch of new campaigns to challenge the previous ones and optimize CPL

  • Pinterest
  • Meta, and X for awareness
  • Google for conversion

"With Spaag, we have found a partner that has allowed us to double our incoming contacts, and this for 3 years"

Marketing Director, Carea


leads generated per month (vs 23 on average in the previous years)
qualified leads generated
CPA on Google (vs €42 in the previous year)

Spaag x Carea : Gold Medal in B2B Marketing in La Nuit des Rois 2024

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Supported a unique French grocery brand to expand their customer base via paid acquisition

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